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Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are small, hard deposits that form in kidneys and often cause pain as they leave your body.



  • Kidney stones come in many different types and sizes.
  • Symptoms of kidney stones usually include pain in your back or groin.

  • Drinking plenty of water can help reduce your risk of kidney stones. 

What are kidney stones?  


Kidney stones, are small, hard deposits that can form in the kidneys, and are often quite painful when passed. It is when that the stone moves, that the pain occurs.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones  


Some symptoms that are associated with kidney stones are pain in the lower back, and pain that radiates into the groin as the stone moves down towards the bladder.

The most common symptoms of kidney stones include:

  • Pain in lower back or groin
  • Blood in your urine
  • Gravel or stones in urine

Types of Kidney Stones 


There are many different types of kidney stones which can be made from substances like Calcium, Uric acid, Oxalate, Citrate and certain stones can be associated with urinary infections.

What causes kidney stones? 


Urine, that is made by the kidneys, has numerous types of minerals and salt dissolved in the and many times stones are made when there are abnormal levels of these materials.

Kidney stones can start small, and may have no symptoms at first, but as they grow and move, they can cause pain and other problems.

What to Expect from Kidney Stone Treatment 


There are many different types of kidney stones, and based upon different studies that can be done, there are many different ways to treat them:

  • dietary changes
  • dietary restriction
  • prescription medications
  • over-the-counter therapies

Kidney stones are a specific condition that often are managed together by Nephrologists, and Urologists.

While Urologists, surgical specialists, can perform certain procedures to help get rid of the burden of stones, it is our goal as Nephrologists to help with the following, which is one of our specialties:

  • Determine why someone’s body makes stones,
  • What the make-up of the stone is
  • How we can adjust certain aspects of the urine, to prevent further stones from ever being made again

Based upon specialized testing that can be done, we are able to predict an exact reason for each individual patient, of why there body may make stones, and create an individual care plan, that will hopefully prevent further troublesome stones from being formed.


Diet for Kidney Stone Prevention

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Kidney Stone Patient Guide

Download from Urologyhealth.org

Kidney Stone FAQs

Go to NIH.gov

Kidney Stone Diet Plan and Prevention

Go to Kidney.org

CaOx Plate Planner


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CaOx Plate Planner – Vegetarian


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Diet for Kidney Stone Prevention

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Kidney Stone Patient Guide

Download from Urologyhealth.org

Kidney Stone FAQs

Go to NIH.gov

Kidney Stone Diet Plan and Prevention

Go to Kidney.org

CaOx Plate Planner

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CaOx Plate Planner – Vegetarian

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